The former football Bundesligaister Waldhof Mannheim has missed the jump on the fourth place in the 3rd league.
The pork halls came on Sunday at FSV Zwickau over a 1: 1 (1: 0) despite the majority.
Adrien Lebeau (5.) brought the forest yards to the lead, but Jesper Laat (67th) per owner allowed the hosts to cheer.
Zwickaus Steffen Nkansah saw the red card because of handpiel (72nd).
However, the resulting penalty of Joseph Boyamba (73.) invested FSV-Keeper Johannes Brinkies.
The forest horses have 49 meters and maneuver after the 32st matchday behind the 1st FC Saarbrücken (50) and 1860 Munich (49) at position six.
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