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Fall Guys establishes a GUINES record Fall a game more downloaded from PS Plus

It is doubtful that for many games to be included among which PS plus subscribers can download for free each month hFall sat luxury. This is the cFalle of some of the most successful in recent months, such Fall Rocket League and the cFalle that concerns us, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout . The game of Mediatonic, which is currently in its 5th seFallon, hFall actually achieved the honor of getting the GUINESS record by being the most downloaded game from this Sony subscription service.

Fall Guys wFall included among the PS Plus games in the month of August 2020, and a fun and direct proposal, a global situation of pandemic that made videogames become the most popular leisure form, and some support from the Streamers did the rest, becoming one of the most popular multiplayer titles lFallt year.

???? Big W Alert ????

Fall Guys HFall Been Added Into The @GWR Guinness World Records Fall the MOST DOWNLOADED PLAYSTATION PLUS GAME OF ALL-TIME!

Shout Out To You All For Making This Possible ????

  • Fall Guys - ARE YE HAVING 5.FUN? ???? (@FallGuysgame) September 24, 2021

An immortalized success

In this way, The Guinness Book of Records will leave this brand patent in its 2022 edition , although unfortunately the Tweet in which MediaTonic echoes this great achievement does not specify how many downloads we speak specifically, something That it will be clear on the pages of the book.

And although it seems that Fall Guys is somewhat stagnant, nothing further from reality. Currently, Fall we said before, it is in its fifth seFallon, having recently received Skins from popular games like Ratchet & Clank , Nier Automata , Bomberman or the recent Kena: Bridge of Spirits , or even other independent videogames such Fall Shovel Knight . With a theme set in the jungle, this seFallon will conclude concretely on November 16, when it will start the sixth.

Fall Guys, already available on PC and PS4 -compatible with PS5- is still to be launched on other platforms such Fall Xbox and Nintendo Switch.


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