Learn about Character Creation, Face, Facial Hair, Make Up, Body, Voice, and Randomly Finish options in WO Long Fallen Dynasty.
Contents Character creation Base Face Facial hair Make up Body Voice Randomly Finish TO Long Fallen: Fallen Dynasty is an action role-playing game that will allow players to create their own character. There are a number of customization options that players can choose while creating their character at the beginning of the game. However, you will have to go through the first game scene to get to the character's creation scene. Base Face Facial hair Make up Body Voice randomly Finish Character creation In this guide, we will inform you about the creation of characters in TO Long: Fallen Dynasty. Character creation Once you are on the characters' creation screen, there are several customization options that you can choose. You can change your hair, face, tone, body, muscles and much more of your character in particular customization options. You can also select the random option to create your character at random, but as you have to go through a complete trip, it will be ...